
Thursday 1 January 2015

Welcome to 2015 people!

2015. When did that happen? I seriously cannot tell you where last year has went, it has gone so quickly and i have a strange feeling that this one will not be any different. Last year was full of many life changing decisions on my part and 2015 will be my year of self change and self preservation. It is easy to live this life where we stay on the treadmill which never stops going. I feel as though all i have done is run from one thing to another and not really taken time to enjoy moments which should be enjoyed. There are probably many of you who are reading this who agree with me.

So here are my new year's resolutions, i loathe to call them this though as they always do end up being broken by many. Here are a few things which i would like to focus on to try and find a happier medium in my daily life.

Be healthier

I took the decision towards the end of 2014 to join a professional gym and that has started to make a real difference for me. I am starting to get more exercise back into my life and this helps me sleep better but also feel better after long dark stressful days at work. I have also got myself a lovely personal trainer, Carly who is motivating me to make my gym routines more enduring and checking up on my daily eating to make sure i am eating regularly with higher energy filled food. I didn't realise how much i needed this so i am pleased to be taking this forward.

Take care of me

Over the years, i have become rather obsessed with working and that has meant that i do have a tendency to neglect myself. I want to make sure that this year, i take the time to have treatments like facials and massages and treat my body a lot better in the long run. I don't do this often enough at all and i want to make an effort to do this because i love the way it makes me feel when i do.

Nourishing my spirit

Whether this is through prayer or through self discovery, i want to learn how to understand myself better and who i am. Like anyone else, i am plagued with my own insecurities every day and sometimes no matter how confident i look from the outside, i am shaking from the inside desperate to feel more confident and happy. So this year, i want to find myself through new experiences and learn more about the world around me,

Blog more

I have always loved to write, i find it highly therapeutic and i love writing for an audience. I don't do this nearly enough and i want to be more organised so i can blog more. Who knows, if i can keep this up then i will be creating video blogs by the end of the year!

Good luck to all of you with your new year's rules and let's all try and keep at least one this year!

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